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library/책장, 장식장

Robert Gasperetti -Cabinet-

by 백주현[미르] 2007. 10. 28.

Two Door Shaker Inspired Cabinet


Originally designed as an audio cabinet with vented back
but easily adapts to many uses. Adjustable shelves.

21" x 25" x 58", $4,675

Equinox Cabinet

Cherry, Curly Maple & Spalted Maple

Designed as a small stand to hold fine art and family treasures.
Could be sized for use as an audio cabinet, etc.

12½" x 18" x 32", $4,265

Torah Cabinet


A very custom piece, designed with the client to house the family Torah. Two doors and a curtain behind the single arched door. The base unit is beautiful by itself and could be designed for use as an entertainment center.

18" x 26" x 82", $9,650

Audio Armoire


Our Classic Armoire, configured for audio equipment, drawers for stuff, space below for albums, shelves above for compact discs. Solid wood panel back with "chimney vents". Can also be configured for complete entertainment center or home office.

21" x 36" x 78", $7,975