kids room117 자작나무 책장, 수납장 출처 : 2008. 3. 1. 자작나무 벙커침대 출처 : 2008. 3. 1. 자작나무 옷장 Size: W50 x D60 x H165.6 cm(S) W100 x D60 x H165.6 cm(D) Materials: 핀란드산 천연 자작(Birch)무늬 합판, MDF, 장식원단 출처 : 2008. 3. 1. 흔들말,Rocking Horse Rocking HorseTechniques : Steam bending Materials : Oak and Ash Finish Natural olive soap wash Dimensions 30 inches high 76cm 14 inches wide 36cm 4 foot 6 inches long 137cm 2008. 2. 13. 자작나무로 만든 장난감 자동차들 Cito BulldozerCito Dump Truck Cab swivels to steer. Working Dump mechanism will handle heavy loads. 18.5"L X 8.5"W X 8.25"H 6.8 lbs.Cito Fork LiftCito Semi Log Truck Turn those tough construction jobs into simple ones with this sturdy, rugged wooden work rigs. Haul, lift, pull, and move. CITO by Guidecraft can handle even your child's toughest building tasks. Materials: Birch Ply, Hardwood Rubbe.. 2008. 2. 9. 오뚝이, Tumbler Purzel Vityman Tumbler Toppling Tumbler 2008. 2. 9. 비행기와 기차모양의 흔들의자(Rocker) Airplane Retro Rocker 39"W x 12 1/4"D x 23 1/2"H.Train Retro Rocker Materials: Hard Maple, Birch Ply, Plastic moldings. Weight: 42 lbs Approx. Length: 13.75" Approx. Height: 28" Approx. Width: 41" 2008. 2. 9. 소꿉놀이용 주방가구들 2 Natural wood with Stove & Microwavesize: 18"W x 18"L x 38 1/2"HKitchen Helper by Guidecraft 20.25" X 20.75" X 36.75" - 20 lbs 2008. 2. 9. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 15 다음