Maple Turned Bowl (10/20/2007)
It's amazing to me how chunks of wood from the same tree can have completely different appearances. This maple bowl is from the same tree that produced all the other maple bowls and boxes I've turned this year, yet this section of the tree is much darker and more mottled in color than most of the rest. The wonders of Mother Nature never cease to surpise and delight.
Roughly 13" diameter, finished with buffed Antique Oil

Maple Turned Bowl (10/20/2007)
I like the shape of this bowl. The subtle step about 2/3 of the way up the outside is a nice subtle detail, the overall outside curve is open and pleasing, and it works well without a foot. The undercut rim makes it easy to pick up and the balance is very pleasing.
Roughly 13" diameter, finished with buffed Antique Oil.

Walnut Bowl (6/2007)
I finished this bowl a month or two ago, and I'm just now getting around to taking and posting pictures for the web site.
If I were to pick one favorite bowl out of all my pieces, this bowl would be the one. I like the form (a nice open ogee shape), I like the foot (in the shape of a bead), and I love the rim treatment (a beat with a birdsbeak below, a cove above, and a nice undercut to the rim). The figure to the wood doesn't hurt much either, but imho the form makes this piece.
This is about 13" diameter, and the finish is buffed Antique Oil.

Maple, Cherry, Birch, and Walnut Turned Platter (8/2007)
This piece was a lot of fun. I had some 8/4 maple scraps left over from previous projects, and in an effort to clean out my wood rack a bit I glued some up with a few contrasting woods. I trimmed it up a bit on the bandsaw, glued it to a wooden faceplate, and proceeded to (surprisingly enough) turn a fairly decent platter. Since the wood stripes dominate the piece I didn't want to clutter it up with a bunch of fussy beads, coves, or grooves (although I couldn't resist a few on the bottom). I included an undercut rim on the bowl section and a subtle cove on the rim. I'm very happy with the result - this might end up as a wall hanging.
Woods are maple, cherry, birch, and walnut. Diameter is about 17". Finish is buffed antique oil (which was difficult to photograph due to it's high gloss).

Maple and Cherry Turned Platter (8/2007)
Another platter from glued-up 8/4 leftovers from other projects. This is maple with a cherry center strip. The form turned out a bit more like an offering plate than a traditional platter with a wide rim, but I like it. I thought I'd try the Sorby Texturing tool on the rim of this piece, and while it's ok, it's evident that it was my first attempt. After a bit more practice with the other wheels on scrap I'm sure my next uses of the tool will be a bit more interesting. I'm still happy with this piece though.
Woods are maple and cherry. Diameter is about 14". Finish is buffed antique oil.