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벤치디자인 출처 : http://www.naturalfurni.com/main1.htm 2007. 5. 21.
Lambda Chair Lambda Chair style no. Lambda Inspired by the most beautiful letter in the Greek alphabet, this animated form offers exceptional comfort and support. size : 33"H x 22"W x 24"D Price : $1,980.00 2007. 5. 18.
흔들의자 Masaya Rockerstyle no.MASAYAROCKERThe Masaya rocker takes up little floor space and by reversing its back and seat cushions, can comfortably accommodate people of all heights. Its precise balance can be appreciated by the duration of its continual rocking. Price includes upholstery from a selection of fabrics and leathers. Rocker is: 29.5"W x 34"D x 30"HPrice: $2,365.00 2007. 5. 18.
Henley가구 -쇼파와 의자- 카페 > 행복이 가득한 집(행가집) / 헉스님 http://cafe.naver.com/missmisy/28927이 사진은 sedec에 있는 Henley가구 가격은 3인 248만원, 1인 108만원 2007. 5. 17.
의자와 벤치 출처 : http://www.rosewoodstudio.com 2007. 5. 17.
[De La Espada]새 브랜드 런칭 Atlantico -스툴,벤치,의자- [De La Espada]새 브랜드 런칭 Atlantico 카페 > 꿈꾸는공작소 / 알리바바님 http://cafe.naver.com/dreamcraft/608 Stool | w.17.25" d.17.25" h.17.25"| $495 Bench| Small w.44.89" d.17.25" h.17.25"| $925 Bench| Large w.59.12" d.17.25" h.17.25"| $995 Chair| w.15.80" d.19.50" h.32.30"|$295 2007. 5. 17.
JOHN KELLY 作 2005 서울 리빙디자인페어 - JOHN KELLY 作品 카페 > 예다움 / 예다움님 http://cafe.naver.com/yedawoom/85 2007. 5. 17.
johnkelly의 의자 예다움님의 사진 2007. 5. 17.