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kids room

플레이 테이블

by 백주현[미르] 2007. 9. 15.

Product Specifications:

Small (9mo.s - 3 yrs.*)

Regular (2 yrs. - 5+ yrs.*)

Table top

28.5" w. X 22" d.

28.5" w. X 22" d.

Top cut-out

13" w. X 6.5" d.

15" w. X 6.5" d.

Table height (/out legs)



Table height (/ legs)

11.5" to 17"

17.5" to 25.75"

Tilt angles

5°,15° and 25°

5°,15° and 25°

* Sizes to be determined by the height and weight of the individual child.

출처 : www.ablegeneration.com